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Job opportunities

There’s never been a more important time for you to use your talent, expertise and enthusiasm to help rewild Britain.

White tailed sea eagle
 © Mark Williams / Wildscreen

Everyone in our small team is passionate about their role in helping secure a wilder and brighter future: they share our stories, engage and nurture our supporters, campaign and influence policy, develop scientific evidence, engage, connect and support landowners, promote our cause and secure our funding.

Our team is led by our vision and our values, working together as the only Britain-wide rewilding organisation to reverse the loss of biodiversity and devastating climate change.

We are ambitious. If you are too, we’d love to hear from you.

We are committed to working towards ensuring Rewilding Britain is a diverse and inclusive place to work. We welcome applications from everyone regardless of race, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith or disability.

Current vacancies

Female Golden ringed Dragonfly
 © Iain Leach

Rewilding Landscapes Manager

Do you want to directly contribute to the growth of the rewilding movement across Britain? We’re seeking an experienced, self-motivated Rewilding Landscapes Manager to lead our work to upscale rewilding across Britain. The successful candidate will be an innovative, driven and forward-thinking individual with a proven track record of influencing and advising landowners, land managers and wider stakeholders. Download the job specification

Please send your application, as detailed in the specification, to jobs@​rewildingbritain.​org.​uk by the end of Friday 4 October.

Find out more about Rewilding Britain

Child showing oyster as part of Seawilding's oyster reintroduction

Our vision

We have big ambitions. Find out what we’ve set out to achieve through rewilding.

What we do
Barn owl in oak tree

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